Mott Child & Adolescent Behavioral Health Unit
Spring 2020
Software used: Auto CAD, Revit, SketchUp, Adobe PhotoShop, PowerPoint
The goal of Mott Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health Unit renovation is to provide a healing facility that is both safe and relaxing. Patient’s mental and physical well-being is the first priority of the administration at University of Michigan hospital. The design team took on this project with these goals in mind and focus on creating a natural and calming environment. LEAN design methodology allows the design team to enhance the space planning thus rooms on the unit have multiple doors to allow for efficient traffic flow for the staff and patients.
Sustainable and durable materials in natural colors and texture will be chosen to fulfill the furnishing requirement. Research shows curvature within a space can enhance mental health and provide a calming effect for patients. Curves are utilized in the corridor space as well as around the nurse station to enhance way finding and to emulate water and fluidity. Rounded, soft furniture selections were made to improve the safety for the patients and staff. Natural color selections include green and blue to promote rejuvenation and reflect nature. Communal areas include vibrant colors and patterns to mimic the activity level of the space. The use of digital skylights help to incorporate natural day light to help improve the patients healing experience and transports the patients from institution to a more relaxing, harmonious environment.

Mott Children Hospital

Bubble Diagram

Adjacency Matrix

Design Concept Block Plan

Floor Plan

Dimensional Floor Plan

Furniture Plan and schedule

Day Room Furniture Plan and Schedule

Patient Room Furniture Plan & Schedule

Floor Material Render

Material Schedule

Material Board

Reflected Ceiling Plan

Lighting Schedule

Nurse Station & Front Porch Lounge

Day Room

Day Room

Day Room

Patient Room

Nurse Station & Front Porch Lounge Render

Day Room Render

Day Room Render

Day Room Render